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  • Writer's pictureRyan Sheridan, NP

How Do You Get Diagnosed with ADHD in Washington D.C.?

ADHD Diagnosis in Washington, DC



  1. Learn to recognize ADHD symptoms

  2. Get an evaluation from a qualified professional, ideally an integrative provider (like me!)

  3. Craft a personalized treatment plan with your provider and adjust as needed


As an integrative psychiatric nurse practitioner, I've witnessed firsthand the complexities and nuances of diagnosing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). I'm guessing you already know that ADHD is a condition characterized by symptoms such as difficulty maintaining attention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. However, the path to diagnosis can often be as multifaceted as the disorder itself, especially in areas like Washington D.C. Here's what I recommend in order to understand the process and how an integrative approach can offer a more comprehensive view of managing ADHD.

Step 1: Recognize the Symptoms of ADHD

Again, I am betting you probably know, but ADHD symptoms can vary widely among individuals, but they typically include difficulty focusing, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. Adults may also experience problems with time management, organization, and goal-setting. Recognizing these symptoms is the first step towards seeking help. Learn more about ADHD symptoms here.

Step 2: Seek a Professional Evaluation for ADHD

Diagnosing ADHD requires a comprehensive assessment by a healthcare professional. In Washington D.C., this might mean starting with your primary care physician or reaching out directly to a specialist in ADHD, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or a psychiatric nurse practitioner like myself. The evaluation process often includes:

Clinical interviews: To gather a detailed personal and family health history.

Rating scales and checklists: These tools help quantify the severity of symptoms and how they impact daily functioning.

Psychological testing: To rule out other conditions that might mimic or coexist with ADHD, such as learning disabilities or mood disorders.

Bonus: Integrative Assessment Approach for ADHD

As an integrative psychiatric nurse practitioner, I emphasize the importance of looking beyond conventional diagnostic criteria. This means considering factors like diet, lifestyle, and even environmental stressors that can influence symptoms. An integrative assessment for ADHD may also include:

Tired puppy sleeping

Nutritional assessments: Identifying deficiencies or dietary patterns that may exacerbate symptoms.

Sleep evaluation: Poor sleep can significantly impact cognitive function and behavior.

Mind-body practices assessment: Understanding an individual's stress management and using/teaching practices like meditation or yoga.

Physical activity assessment: Learning to use exercise as a coping tool to naturally up-regulate key chemicals responsible for executive functioning, focus, concentration, and attention.

A comprehensive integrative evaluation can make all the difference. For my ADHD evaluations, I typically include mental health and ADHD-specific lab work to pinpoint any root causes we can address on a biological level.

Step 3: Getting Diagnosed with ADHD and Crafting a Personalized

After thorough evaluation, if ADHD is diagnosed, the next steps involve discussing a treatment plan tailored to the individual's needs. This plan should include behavioral therapy, coaching, lifestyle modifications, and possibly medication. Important: medication-only interventions are not as effective comprehensive integrative treatment protocols. An integrative approach ensures that we also consider complementary therapies that can support overall well-being, such as nutritional counseling, exercise, and mindfulness practices.

An integrative psychiatric nurse practitioner, like myself, will consider not just the DSM-5 criteria but also a person’s overall well-being, including physical health, nutritional status, emotional balance, and environmental factors. This comprehensive view ensures that we are not merely labeling symptoms but understanding the person as a whole.

Crafting a Personalized Treatment Plan for ADHD

Holistic ADHD management

After a diagnosis, the next crucial step is to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses the unique needs of the individual. This plan is multifaceted, incorporating both conventional and integrative therapies:

  • Medication: For many, medication can be a cornerstone of managing ADHD, helping to reduce symptoms such as impulsivity and inattention. Stimulant medications are commonly prescribed, but non-stimulant options are also available. Medication decisions are made carefully, considering potential benefits and side effects.

  • Behavioral Therapy: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and other behavioral therapies can be effective in teaching coping strategies, improving organizational skills, and reducing impulsive behaviors. Therapy also offers a space to work through any emotional or social challenges related to ADHD.

  • Coaching and Support Groups: ADHD coaching can help individuals develop time management, organization, and problem-solving skills. Support groups offer a community of individuals facing similar challenges, providing a network of support and understanding.

  • Lifestyle Modifications: An integrative approach places significant emphasis on lifestyle changes that can support overall brain health and reduce symptoms. This includes regular physical activity, a balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients important for brain health, adequate sleep, and stress management techniques. A great read on the importance of exercise and brain health is Spark! by John Ratey

  • Complementary Therapies: Nutritional supplements, mindfulness practices, yoga, and acupuncture are examples of complementary therapies that can support the conventional treatment plan. These therapies are chosen based on individual needs and preferences, and their potential to improve focus, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.

Step 4: Continuous Support and Adjustment for ADHD Treatment

ADHD is a dynamic condition, with symptoms and challenges that can shift over time due to various factors such as life transitions, stress, and health changes. Continuous support from healthcare providers, therefore, becomes essential. Regular check-ins allow for the assessment of symptom progression, the effectiveness of treatments, and the individual’s overall well-being.

  • Regular Monitoring: Scheduled follow-up appointments are crucial to evaluate the effectiveness of medication, therapy, and any other interventions. This is a time to discuss any side effects, concerns, or changes in symptoms that may necessitate adjustments in the treatment plan.

  • Feedback Loops: Encouraging open communication between the individual and the healthcare provider ensures that treatments remain aligned with the person’s needs and goals. Feedback loops help in identifying what is working well and what needs to be modified for better outcomes.

Adaptive Treatment Strategies for ADHD

An integral part of managing and treating ADHD, especially from an integrative perspective, is the willingness to adapt treatment strategies as needed. This flexibility allows the treatment plan to evolve based on the individual’s changing needs, ensuring that the approach remains effective and relevant.

  • Medication Adjustments: Dosages may need to be adjusted, or medications changed, based on efficacy and side effects. This process requires careful monitoring and collaboration between the individual and their healthcare provider.

  • Therapeutic Interventions: As individuals grow and their circumstances change, different types of therapy or support mechanisms may become more appropriate. For example, transitioning from individual therapy to group therapy or focusing on different therapeutic goals.

  • Lifestyle Modifications: Changes in lifestyle, such as diet, exercise, and sleep routines, may be recommended based on ongoing assessments of their impact on ADHD symptoms and overall health.

Emphasizing Self-Care and Empowerment for ADHD

Part of continuous support involves empowering individuals with ADHD to take active roles in their management plan. Educating them about their condition, treatment options, and self-care strategies enables them to make informed decisions about their health.

  • Self-Management Strategies: Teaching individuals techniques for managing time, stress, and distractions can help them gain more control over their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

  • Wellness Activities: Encouraging participation in activities that promote well-being, such as regular exercise, mindfulness practices, and hobbies, supports mental health and reduces stress.

Leveraging Community and Resources

Building a support network, including family, friends, and support groups, provides individuals with ADHD a sense of community and understanding. Additionally, accessing resources such as educational materials, workshops, and online forums can offer valuable information and coping strategies.

Where to Find Help for ADHD in Washington D.C.

Washington D.C. is home to many reputable mental health clinics and specialists offering ADHD assessment and treatment services. These organizations and individuals provide comprehensive care, including evaluations by psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals who specialize in ADHD. They may offer both medication management and therapy services.

Integrative Health Practitioners

For those interested in an integrative approach to managing ADHD, Washington D.C. has a wealth of practitioners who incorporate holistic methods into their treatment plans. These may include psychiatric nurse practitioners, naturopaths, integrative physicians, and nutritionists who focus on the whole person rather than just the symptoms of ADHD.

Need more info on where to find help with ADHD or mental health in general? Head over to my other blog to learn more about finding a provider in Washington, DC. Or reach out to me directly and we can have a chat!


Getting diagnosed with ADHD in Washington D.C., or anywhere, requires a comprehensive and integrative approach to accurately identify and manage the condition. By understanding the steps involved and seeking out professionals who offer a holistic perspective, individuals can embark on a path towards better managing their symptoms and improving their quality of life.

Remember, ADHD is a journey that doesn't have to be navigated alone. With the right support and a tailored approach, individuals can lead productive, fulfilling lives.

Ryan Sheridan, NP

This blog post aims to inform and empower those seeking an ADHD diagnosis in the D.C. area and beyond, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive, integrative approach to health and well-being.

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