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  • Writer's pictureRyan Sheridan, NP

The Slippery Slope of Fitness and Wellness: A Mental Health Perspective

Fitness and Wellness from a Mental Health Perspective in Washington, DC

In the pursuit of health and wellness, the line between nurturing our bodies and pushing them into unnecessary, and potentially harmful, extremes has become increasingly common. As an integrative psychiatric nurse practitioner in Washington, DC, I've witnessed firsthand the consequences of conflating fitness with health, bodybuilding with wellness, and pushing our bodies to the extreme. It's crucial to untangle these concepts to foster a more holistic approach to our physical and mental wellbeing.


The Misconception of Fitness as Health


Fitness, particularly in the context of bodybuilding and similar practices, is often celebrated as the pinnacle of health. Social media, gym culture, and fitness industries promote the idea that a sculpted, lean physique equates to optimal health. However, this conflation overlooks the multifaceted nature of health itself, which encompasses not only physical but also mental, emotional, and social wellbeing.

Fact: you cannot assess someone's health from a picture, post, or by simply looking at their body.


Bodybuilding and extreme fitness regimes can indeed improve physical strength, endurance, and even discipline. Yet, when pursued to the extreme, they can lead to a slippery slope of physical mental health challenges, including body dysmorphia, anxiety, depression, and can even exacerbate symptoms of ADHD.

The obsession with achieving an ideal body type can create an unhealthy relationship with food, exercise, and self-image, leading to behaviors that are anything but health-promoting.


Obsessive Nutritional Tracking

Tracking food intake, including macronutrients (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates), can be a useful tool for achieving specific fitness goals, such as muscle gain or fat loss. Yet, when this practice becomes obsessive, it can lead to significant mental health issues. The constant preoccupation with numbers, measurements, and food control can foster anxiety, stress, and a disconnect from the body's natural hunger and satiety signals. This obsession can spiral into disordered eating behaviors, negatively impacting one’s mental health and overall quality of life.

Moreover, the hyper-focus on tracking and achieving perfect nutritional intake often ignores the importance of food's social and cultural roles, potentially leading to isolation and a decrease in life satisfaction. It undermines the joy and communal experience of sharing meals, transforming eating into a solitary, calculative task rather than a source of pleasure and connection.

A Caloric Surplus Through Unhealthy Means

In the world of muscle gain, the concept of a caloric surplus – consuming more calories than the body expends – is a well-established principle. However, the pursuit of this surplus can sometimes lead individuals down a path of consuming unhealthy foods under the guise of "bulking" or gaining mass.

While this approach may lead to short-term gains in size and strength, it can compromise long-term health by increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, insulin resistance, and other metabolic disorders. This practice starkly illustrates the misconception that all weight gain, regardless of the nutritional quality of the food consumed, is beneficial in the context of fitness.

Health is more than a snapshot and is compounding, what we do today and what we eat today impacts tomorrow. Pushing our bodies in unnatural ways indeed has consequences that may not be realized for many years.

Performance at Any Cost


The use of performance-enhancing supplements and drugs in the quest for fitness and physical excellence is a topic of significant concern, particularly when considering their impact on health and longevity. While some supplements are legal and can be beneficial under professional guidance, the lure of quicker, more dramatic results often leads individuals toward the use of illicit performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), such as anabolic steroids.

These substances can improve muscle mass, strength, and endurance temporarily. However, their use comes with a high cost to health, including increased risks of heart disease, liver damage, hormonal imbalances, and psychiatric effects such as aggression and depression.

What's worse, when the substances are removed, the human body returns to baseline within a relatively short period of time. This creates an unsustainable physique and relationship with working out because PEDs are themselves are unsustainable long term, at least if health is concerned.


Beyond the physical dangers, the psychological issues from PED use can severely impact mental health and quality of life. Moreover, the pursuit of short-term gains through these means often undermines the very essence of sportsmanship and personal achievement, with long-lasting effects on one's sense of integrity and self-worth.

In the broader picture, the pursuit of health through balanced nutrition, exercise, and mental wellness practices promises a more sustainable path to longevity and genuine wellbeing, far removed from the risky shortcuts offered by performance-enhancing substances.


A Caution on the Intent of this Article


While this article has critically examined the nuances and potential pitfalls of extreme fitness regimes, obsessive nutritional tracking, and the misuse of performance-enhancing substances, it is crucial to clarify that these discussions should not be misconstrued as an endorsement to forgo exercise and proper nutrition altogether.

The intent is not to discourage the pursuit of physical activity or to undermine the importance of a balanced diet, but rather to advocate for a more mindful and holistic approach to health and wellness.

Obesity remains a huge health concern, with well-documented risks including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, and decreased life expectancy. It's undeniable that regular physical activity and mindful nutrition are foundational elements in preventing obesity and promoting overall health and longevity, especially and including mental health. And yes, sometimes losing weight is critical for overall health.

Exercise and a nutritious diet are not just about weight management; they play critical roles in improving mood, boosting energy levels, and enhancing quality of life.

Therefore, while critiquing certain aspects of the fitness and nutrition culture, it's important to recognize the value of these practices when approached in a balanced and healthy manner. The goal is to encourage individuals to find joy and sustainability in their health journey, avoiding extremes and focusing on what truly enhances their well-being in a comprehensive sense.

This means engaging in physical activities that you enjoy, listening to your body's needs, eating a variety of nutrient-dense foods without strict restrictions, and, most importantly, treating your body with respect and care.

The path to health is personal and varied, and finding a balanced approach that suits one's individual needs is key to maintaining a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle.


The Holistic Perspective on Health and Fitness


From the integrative psychiatry viewpoint, health is not merely the absence of disease or the presence of a well-defined physique. It is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing.

Fitness activities should therefore be approached as a component of health, not its sole determinant.

It's about finding balance and ensuring that our physical pursuits enhance, rather than detract from, our overall well-being.


The Mental Health Implications of Fitness Obsession


The relentless pursuit of physical perfection can have profound mental health implications. The pressure to maintain a certain body type can lead to stress, anxiety, and a never-ending cycle of dissatisfaction with one's appearance. This can exacerbate existing mental health conditions or even lead to the development of new ones, such as eating disorders or substance abuse, as individuals turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms to manage their perceived inadequacies.


Moreover, the stigma within some fitness communities against expressing vulnerability or seeking mental health support can further isolate individuals struggling with these issues, hindering their path to true health and wellness.


Strategies for Balanced Fitness


As an integrative psychiatric nurse practitioner, I advocate for a balanced approach to fitness that prioritizes mental health and wellbeing. Here are some strategies to consider:


- Listen to Your Body: Engage in physical activities that you enjoy and that make you feel good, rather than those dictated by societal pressures or trends.

- Seek Professional Guidance: Work with health care and fitness professionals who understand the importance of balancing physical health with mental and emotional well-being.

- Mindfulness and Self-Compassion: Incorporate practices that foster mindfulness and self-compassion, helping to mitigate the psychological risks associated with fitness and body modification pursuits.

- Community and Support: Seek out communities that support holistic health and well-being, where you can share experiences and find encouragement in a balanced approach to fitness.


Nutrition: Quality Over Quantity

A balanced nutritional approach prioritizes the quality of the foods we consume over strict calorie counting or macronutrient tracking. It encourages a diet rich in whole, nutrient-dense foods—fruits, vegetables, whole grains, high quality proteins, and healthy fats—while allowing space for occasional indulgences without guilt. This perspective helps to mitigate the risk of nutrient deficiencies and promotes a more enjoyable and sustainable eating pattern. It’s about making peace with food and recognizing it as a source of nourishment and pleasure, not just fuel or a number on a scale.

Mindful Eating and Intuitive Eating

Mindful eating practices, including intuitive eating, play a crucial role in a balanced approach to nutrition. These practices encourage eating slowly, savoring each bite, and paying attention to how food makes you feel. Intuitive eating further emphasizes the importance of rejecting the diet mentality, honoring hunger and fullness cues, and finding ways to cope with emotions without using food. By listening to and respecting our body’s signals, we foster a healthier body image and a more satisfying relationship with food.

Exercise: Finding Joy in Movement

In terms of physical activity, a balanced approach means finding forms of exercise that you genuinely enjoy and look forward to, rather than viewing them as a punishment or merely a means to an end. Whether it’s dancing, hiking, yoga, strength training, or playing a sport, the key is to engage in activities that bring joy and vitality. This approach ensures that exercise is a source of stress relief and joy, rather than a chore or a source of anxiety.

The Integration of Mind and Body

A balanced approach to nutrition and fitness also recognizes the interconnectedness of physical health with mental and emotional well-being. Practices such as meditation, adequate sleep, and social connections are as vital as diet and exercise in this holistic health model. It’s about nurturing the body, mind, and spirit in harmonious ways that support overall health and longevity.

This integration of mind and body is a core tenant of how I practice. My Proactive Approach considers pillars of wellness including physical activity, nutrition, and recovery in the context of environmental, biological, and perspective factors.




In our quest for health, it's important to remember that fitness must be consider in the context of health in a greater sense - exercise, nutrition, or fitness is best approached with balance and mindfulness.

Let's remember to keep in mind a holistic perspective on health that embraces the totality of our human experience, fostering an environment where short term physical gain does not overshadow the importance of overall health, mental, and emotional wellbeing.


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